Birds in Hustai National Park of Mongolia

Mongolia is a home and guest place of rare and beautiful birds from all over the world. Why don’t you travel to Mongolia and watch those amazing birds in Mongolia?

Perhaps, as humankind forever respected freedom and peace of birds when they fly in the vast sky without hindrance or cruelty. Somehow people are so delighted to be close to birds as they never cause them any harm. That’s why there are many harmonious songs about bird’s charming appearance and combinations of marvelous colors.

There are about 223 species are found in Hustai national park

There are 487 species of birds in Mongolia and about 223 species are found in Hustai national park, one of 99 special protected areas of the country. The Hustai National Park, 95km far from Ulaanbaatar, is famous for Przewalski’s wild horse –Takhi and other rare animals. As written in latest research, there are 223 species of birds of 119 genera, 43 families, and 17 orders have registered in Hustai National Park.

Black Stork


Bar headed Goose

If you take a bird watching tour in Mongolia especially in Husati NP, you can see a lot of rare birds such as the Black Stork, Bar-headed Goose, Whooper Swan, Lammergeier, Himalayan Vulture, Saker Falcon, Eurasian Hobby, Amur Falcon, Great Bustard, Long-eared Owl and Penduline Tit.

Whooper Swam


Himalayan Vulture


Saker Falcon

One of the biggest rivers in Mongolia, the Tuul, flows on the southern border of the park. Tuul river and its basins are excellent habitats for many species of water birds for breeding, grazing, and resting and roosting during spring and autumn migration.


Spring Bird watching in Hustai National Park.

The frozen river and lakes are melting and all the lives of flora and fauna come back into resurrection and regrowth.

This years’ spring migration has already begun and is expected to continue through late May

Birds already on their epic odyssey include beautiful Greet Egret, Chinese Pond Heron, Whooper Swan, Swan Goose, Eurasian Wigeon, Falcated Duck, Peregrine Falcon, Black-billed Capercaillie, Black Grouse, Daurian Partridge, Demoiselle Crane, Eurasian Eagle-owl and many more according to the second edition of birds of Hustai National park.

Greet Egret


Chinese Pond Heron


Swan Goose


Demoiselle Crane


Black Grouse


Right now, dozens of species of birds have left their winter homes and are embarking on their annual journey in Hustai National Park as part of spring migration.

In the coming weeks, even more, will spread their wings and follow the same route their ancestors once did. Another bonus to spring migration is that it occurs as a mass movement.

Spring is a particularly wonderful time for bird watching and as researcher says during the spring, the males have on their beautiful plumage to attract mates and also a high chance of seeing birds at their most vibrant.


Fall bird watching in Hustai National Park

Autumn is a popular birding season because of migration, cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage that all add even more excitement to birding.

But where should you visit to see the best fall birds?

According to the editions of Hustai National Park, you can see various birds including Bean Goose, Little Stint, Temmick’s Duck, Gadwall, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Black Kite, Long-legged  Bazzard, Long-tied stint and many more.

Fall birds still need food, water and shelter, and finding habitats and birding hotspots that offer those features in abundance throughout the season will guarantee a great birding experience.


Interesting facts about birds in Hustai National Park

Through research results, satellite collar on Black Stork that grew up in HNP showed that it visited Nepal, passing through the Himalayan snowcapped mountain range, flying 250 km on average per day, sometimes reaching 600km.

Furthermore, a Cinereous Vulture wing-tapped in HNP visited South Korea for the winter.

This is the way we believe birds are one of the most admirable groups of animals that exist, as they can visit anywhere in the world without the need for a visa.

Black Stork


Cinereous Vulture


We invite you all in Hustai National Park to watch and photograph the rare birds. Choose Hustai National Park as Your Bird Watching Destination.


If you are interested in other birding tours in Mongolia please check out the following tour or contact us to customize it.

 Birding in Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve

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